Minutes from Annual Membership Meeting & Financial Report

The official minutes from the Annual Membership Meeting are posted below. Please click here to view an updated financial statement (through October 31, 2024).


Katy Lake Homeowners Association

Waxahachie, Texas

The 2024 Katy Lake on The Greens Annual Meeting was held Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at Katy Lake Park.

Quorum (34) was collected by 6:40 p.m. and the meeting started at 6:41 p.m.

Ann Hollub spoke on behalf of the HOA Board (KLHOA). The 2024 KLHOA Board consists of Susan Worthy, Treasurer, Kelli Davis, and appointee Ann Hollub.

New neighbors were welcomed.

A reminder was given that the ARC (Architectural Review Committee) is a separate entity to contact (through [Katylakeneighbors@gmail.com](mailto:Katylakeneighbors@gmail.com)) should any homeowner want to make changes or additions to their homes or lots. In most cases, if the plans satisfy the City of Waxahachie's requirements, they will comply with the ARC rules. However, homeowners are reminded that they must contact both the city and the ARC before any construction begins, to avoid costly delays or stoppage of work. Thank you to Dale Droste for leading the ARC, and to our neighbors who donate their time to the ARC committee to help keep our neighborhood beautiful.

Also discussed for the benefit of those in attendance were the HOA boundaries and what areas are HOA property within the development.


As stated in our bylaws, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to keep our admin advised of any update to your email address. Please send any updates to [katylakeneighbors@gmail.com](mailto:katylakeneighbors@gmail.com). An email confirmation will be provided. Additionally, any questions or concerns you have during the year may be directed to [katylakeneighbors@gmail.com](mailto:katylakeneighbors@gmail.com). Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate board member and answered to the best of our ability.


Treasurer Susan Worthy provided the year-end (Oct 31) financial report. As of 10/31/24, we have an ending balance of $12,395.10. The year-end financial report was distributed at the meeting and is posted on the KLHOA website,([www.katylake.com](http://www.katylake.com)). Homeowner's dues will not be raised for 2025, remaining at $540/year. Dues must be paid before January15, 2025, to avoid late fees. Homeowners are reminded that financial reports may be requested at any time during the year. Please send your request to [katylakeneighbors@gmail.com](mailto:katylakeneighbors@gmail.com), and a year-to-date financial report will be provided.


The Board voted to raise the resale certificate amount from $200 to $350. Although negotiable, this cost is most often paid by the new homeowner upon closing.


Our HOA policy was reviewed in May 2024, and a change in brokers was made to a local State Farm agent, Kip Fedora. Their office toured our "lake" area and determined that because Katy Lake is not used for boating or swimming, changes could be made to our policy to significantly save on premiums. In addition, the KLHOA is required by law to use only bonded professionals to work on our property, so we were able to eliminate our Workman's Comp coverage as well.


Thank you to Brad Justiss for taking the initiative to investigatethe actual condition of our entrance lights. Brad J. donated a considerable amount of time and lighting equipment to get our entrance lights all working again. After receiving some remarkably high bids to repair the faulty electrical boxes, he also found us Agustin Gonzalez, who repaired our equipment for a fraction of the other bids. Thank you also to Brad Davis for the donation of his time and lighting equipment, and to Ann and Alex Hollub for their lighting equipment donation at the lake gate.


A master valve was installed at the beginning of the year to stop an on-going leak that was wasting water and HOA money. Thank you to Susan Worthy for initiating the monitoring of our daily water usage through her Eye on Water app. The information we gather from this app is extremely useful. Over the summer, sprinklers were repaired piecemeal around the spring/summer-long Spectrum installation. Thank you to Wildflower Sprinkler Company for their reasonably-priced services, and especially for their willingness to help. We also would like to thank Montero Landscape and Irrigation, for their efficient handling of our significant remaining issue.


Thank you to Nemo and his crew at Green Valley Landscaping, who are as dependable as they are hardworking. Due to a disruption in our sprinkler system drip lines this summer, we lost some mature hollies near Ocotillo and Katy Lake. We hope to replace these when larger shrubs become available. If you have a concern or question about the landscaping, please contact katylakeneighbors@gmail.com so we may address the issue.


Susan Worthy and Kelli Davis were up for re-election and were voted unanimously onto the 2025 Board. This is the second two-year term for both Susan and Kelli. Susan Worthy will serve again as Treasurer.


We will have our annual fence lighting on Monday, Dec 2, 2024, at the Katy Lake Park gate, beginning at sunset. More details will be provided mid-November.


We hope to have the front signage stone planter repaired over the winter. We are currently collecting bids.

We are looking into replacing our stubborn lake gate lock with a permanent easy-to-use push-button lock. Bids will be obtained.


Please send any suggestions and proposed solutions to [katylakeneighbors@gmail.com](mailto:katylakeneighbors@gmail.com). If you have a suggestion about our flower beds or would like to donate a specific plant/s to our shared landscape, please let us know. We appreciate the input.


Dan Galatro for his influence in convincing Spectrum to add fiber optic internet to our neighborhood.

Alex and Ann Hollub, for the donation of their time and equipment to mitigate beaver damage to our HOA trees, located creek-side and along the lake dam.

Jim East, and Bill Wise for watching over our lake and lake grounds.

Jeff Lynch for helping to get the asphalt-to-concrete repair made on Katy Lake Drive.

John and Tracey Deen for their front-signage flower donation.

Larry Dollus for helping Brad D. look for our sprinkler valves in the overgrown brush line.

Susan Worthy, for her fiscal responsibility and her willingness to pay our vendors in a timely manner, helping the Board maintain good relationships with our contractors.

Minutes taken and recorded by Kelli Davis. 10-28-24